UPDATE: The next public class will be the week of September 8th in Oslo, Norway.
UPDATE 2: AngularJS: Get Started is now available to Pluralsight subscribers. This course is a small but focused subset of the full class.
At the end of last year I put together and taught a 2 day workshop on AngularJS fundamentals at NDC London, which due to popular demand I’m offering as part of a larger class for ProgramUtvikling. Feel free to contact me if you would like an on-site workshop, although my bandwidth for custom training is scarce.
From animations to testing and everything in between, this course covers the features of AngularJS with a focus on practical scenarios and real applications. We will see how to build custom services, directives, filters, and controllers while maintaining a separation of concerns with clean JavaScript code. Hands on labs will reinforce concepts.
The outline of topics:
Some of the material is based on blog posts here on OTC.