My latest Plurasight release is an early look at the next version of ASP.NET, including:
- The unification of MVC 6 and WebAPI
- Startup and configuration of an ASP.NET 5 application
- Working with wwwroot and the new ASP.NET project structure
- Using command line tools to manage runtime versions, project commands, and deployment
- Integration with NodeJs and Grunt.
I hope you like it!
In a previous post I introduced generators in ES6.
Generators in most languages do the least amount of work possible, and generators in JavaScript are no different. When a program invokes a normal function, you can imagine the program jumping into the function and executing code inside the function until the function completes. But, the behavior of a generator function is entirely different from the behavior of a non-generator function.
As an example, let’s use the following generator function.
let random = function*() { while(true) { console.log("make random") yield Math.random(); } }
The random function looks like it will burn CPU cycles in an infinite loop. However, if we invoke the function and look for output in the console – there will be no output!
When you invoke a generator function, you can think of the runtime setting up a data structure or a state machine behind the scenes. The state machine knows how to take the code inside the generator function and allow pieces to execute on demand.
What creates the demand?
Since generators produce iterators, then each call to the next method of the iterator will force the state machine to execute just enough code to produce the next value – and no more. For example, if we execute the following code:
let iterator = random();;
Then we will see “make random” appear exactly once in the console. Asking the iterator for the next value forced the state machine to execute the code inside the function until a yield statement manufactured another value. Each time there is a call to next on the iterator, the flow of the program jumps back into the generator function at the point the program last left the function, and execution continues until the program reaches another yield.
In computer science terminology, a generator function offers what we call lazy evaluation. In order to make the function perform real work, we need to pull values out of the function by asking for those values through the iterator API. The random function will only create an infinite loop if we ask for an infinite number of values.
Let’s imagine we wanted a finite number of random numbers, and we only want random numbers less than 0.5. First, we could write a filtering function that will take an iterable object and a predicate function as arguments. The filtering function will only produce the items for which the predicate function returns true.
let filter = function*(items, predicate) { for(let item of items){ console.log("filter", item); if(predicate(item)){ yield item; } } };
To make sure we ask for a finite number of items, we can also write a take function, to take a specific number of items.
let take = function*(items, number) { let count = 0; if(number < 1) return; for(let item of items){ console.log("take", item); yield item; count += 1; if(count >= number) { return; } } };
Note how we can stop iteration using a return statement in the take function.
With the above functions, all of which are generators, we can create two random numbers less than 0.5 with the following code.
let result = take(filter(random(), n => n < 0.5), 2);
Except, we have not created any numbers with the above code! All we’ve created is an iterator, and no output will appear on the console. We could force the functions to execute code using a for of loop, or use Array.from, which is a new API we can use to convert any iterable object to a concrete array.
Console output of the above code might look like the following.
make random filter 0.24152887403033674 take 0.24152887403033674 make random filter 0.6618692250922322 make random filter 0.49661534116603434 take 0.49661534116603434
Notice how the execution of the different functions interleave. You can imagine the iterators pulling values from each function on an as-needed basis.
Lazy evaluation allows for all sorts of interesting scenarios with control flow and data structures. We’ll look at some of these scenarios in a future post, but coming next: delegating generators.
Back in the early days of computing, when machines were powered by coal-fired steam boilers the size of Liechtenstein, even the simplest operations were optimized by programmers toiling in the basements of university science buildings around the world. Simple operations like counting the number of “on” bits in a word.
Back then you couldn’t afford to use a naive approach...
unsigned int v; // count the number of bits set in v unsigned int c; // c accumulates the total bits set in v for (c = 0; v; v >>= 1) { c += v & 1; }
... because each CPU cycle required 4.09 x 10-5 kg of hard coal, and the total cost adds up quickly.
It’s not surprising then, to find papers on efficient bit counting algorithms that have been around for decades. Sean Eron Anderson has a selection of these algorithms, plus others, on the Bit Twiddling Hacks page.
The Roslyn compiler platform builds on this research with classes like BitArithmeticUtilities, which features code like the following.
public static int CountBits(ulong v) { unchecked { const ulong MASK_01010101010101010101010101010101 = 0x5555555555555555UL; const ulong MASK_00110011001100110011001100110011 = 0x3333333333333333UL; const ulong MASK_00001111000011110000111100001111 = 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0FUL; const ulong MASK_00000000111111110000000011111111 = 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFUL; const ulong MASK_00000000000000001111111111111111 = 0x0000FFFF0000FFFFUL; const ulong MASK_11111111111111111111111111111111 = 0x00000000FFFFFFFFUL; v = (v & MASK_01010101010101010101010101010101) + ((v >> 1) & MASK_01010101010101010101010101010101); v = (v & MASK_00110011001100110011001100110011) + ((v >> 2) & MASK_00110011001100110011001100110011); v = (v & MASK_00001111000011110000111100001111) + ((v >> 4) & MASK_00001111000011110000111100001111); v = (v & MASK_00000000111111110000000011111111) + ((v >> 8) & MASK_00000000111111110000000011111111); v = (v & MASK_00000000000000001111111111111111) + ((v >> 16) & MASK_00000000000000001111111111111111); v = (v & MASK_11111111111111111111111111111111) + ((v >> 32) & MASK_11111111111111111111111111111111); return (int)v; } }
It’s not often you find code with visually stimulating patterns that is also environmentally friendly.
Coming up soon – how many type parameters is too many? 10? 20? 30?
If you’ve been following along with the developments for ASP.NET vNext and Visual Studio 2015, you’ve probably seen the JavaScript tooling of choice for File –> New projects is Grunt and Bower.
But, what if you wanted to use more sophisticated and productive tools, like Gulp and jspm?
In this post, we’ll get setup using jspm instead of Bower, and write some ES6 code with CTP5 of Visual Studio 2015.
In a nutshell: jspm combines package management with module loading infrastructure and transpilers to provide a magical experience. You can write code using today’s JavaScript, or tomorrow’s JavaScript (ES6), and use any type of module system you like (ES6, AMD, or CommonJS). jspm figures everything out. By integrating package management with a smart script loader, jspm means less work for us.
In VS2015 we’ll start with a minimum set of features by using File –> New Project, selecting “ASP.NET Web Application” and using the “ASP.NET 5 Empty” template. With ASP vNext, the resulting project looks like the following.
Notice the wwwroot folder, which is new for ASP5. The wwwroot folder is the default folder for static assets like CSS and JS files, and is literally the root of the web site. We can create a new default.html file in wwwroot as the entry page for the application.
<html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Working with jspm</title> </head> <body> <div id="output">Testing</div> </body> </html>
Pressing Ctrl+F5 should run the application as always, but we’ll need to add /default.html to the URL as the web server won’t find a default file without some extra configuration (see ‘Making default.html the default’ later in this post).
Once you have both NodeJs and a command line Git client installed, jspm is simple to setup.
npm install –g jspm jspm init
You’ll want to run jspm init from the root of the project, which is one level above the wwwroot folder.
The init command will ask a series of questions to setup a project.json file (yes, the same project.json that npm uses, unlike Bower which creates it’s own json file). During the questioning you can choose the ES6 transpiler to use. As you can see below I prefer the 6to5 transpiler over Traceur these days, but note that 6to5 was just renamed to Babel last week.
Here’s how to answer:
Package.json file does not exist, create it? [yes]: Would you like jspm to prefix the jspm package.json properties under jspm? [yes]: Enter server baseURL (public folder path) [./]: ./wwwroot Enter project code folder [wwwroot\]: Enter jspm packages folder [wwwroot\jspm_packages]: Enter config file path [wwwroot\config.js]: Configuration file wwwroot\config.js doesn't exist, create it? [yes]: Enter client baseURL (public folder URL) [/]: Which ES6 transpiler would you like to use, Traceur or 6to5? [traceur]: 6to5 ok Verified package.json at package.json Verified config file at wwwroot\config.js Looking up loader files... system.js system.src.js es6-module-loader.js es6-module-loader.src.js 6to5.js 6to5-runtime.js 6to5-polyfill.js Using loader versions: es6-module-loader@0.13.1 systemjs@0.13.2 6to5@3.5.3 ok Loader files downloaded successfully
The most important answer is the answer to the public folder path (./wwwroot).
We want jspm to work with a package.json file at the root of the project, but store downloaded packages and configuration in the wwwroot folder. This is one way to work with jspm, but certainly not the only way. If there is enough interest, we can look at building and bundling in a future post.
Next, we’ll update the default.html file to bring in System.js, the dynamic module loader installed by jspm, and the config file created by jspm, which tells the loader where to make requests for specific module and libraries.
Inside the body tag, the markup looks like:
<div id="output">Testing</div> <script src="jspm_packages/system.js"></script> <script src="config.js"></script> <script>System.import("app/main");</script>
If we refresh the browser we should see some errors in the console that app/main.js couldn’t be loaded. This is the System.import we requested in the above markup, and the syntax should be somewhat familiar to anyone who has used AMD or CommonJS modules before. The file can’t be loaded, because it doesn’t exist, so let’s create a main.js file in the app folder under wwwroot.
var element = document.getElementById("output"); element.innerText = "Hello, from main.js!";
Simple code, but a refresh of the browser should tell us everything is working.
Let’s make the code more interesting by adding a greeting.js file to the app folder in wwwroot.
export default element => { element.innerText = "Hello from the greeting module!"; };
Now we can change main.js to make use of the new greeting component (which is just an ES6 arrow function).
import greeter from "./greeting"; greeter(document.getElementById("output"));
The import / export syntax we are looking at is the new ES6 module syntax, which I haven’t covered in my series of ES6 posts, as yet, but we’ll get there. With the magic of System.js and friends, all this code, including the ES6 modules and arrow functions – it all just works.
The beauty of jspm is that we can now swing out to the command line to install new packages, like moment.js.
> jspm install moment Updating registry cache... Looking up github:moment/moment Downloading github:moment/moment@2.9.0 ok Installed moment as github:moment/moment@^2.9.0 (2.9.0) ok Install tree has no forks. ok Install complete.
This is just as easy as installing a package with Bower, but with jspm the package is ready to use immediately. Let’s change greeting.js to use moment:
import moment from "moment"; export default element => { let pleasantry = "Hello!"; let timeLeft = moment().startOf("hour").fromNow(); element.innerText = `${pleasantry} The hour started ${timeLeft}`; };
And now the application looks like the following.
In ASP.NET 5 there is no web.config, but modifying the behavior for static files is still fairly easy (not nearly as easy, but easy). Step one is to install the NuGet package for static file processing – Microsoft.AspNet.StaticFiles, then adding the following code to Startup.cs.
public class Startup { public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app) { app.UseFileServer(new FileServerOptions { EnableDefaultFiles = true, EnableDirectoryBrowsing = true, }); } }
It’s really just the EnableDefaultFiles that will make our page appear at the root of the web site, because the static file handler will go looking for a default.html file on such a request.
While everything shown here works well, the biggest hurdle to using ECMAScript 6 with Visual Studio 2015 is the editor, which doesn’t like ES6 syntax. You’ll want to keep another editor handy to avoid all the red squiggles under the import and export keywords, for example. We’ll have to hope ES6 syntax support is ready to go by RTM, because it is time to start using the new JavaScript.
My latest Pluralsight release is “An AngularJS Playbook”.
This course is geared for developers who already know Angular. Topics include:
- How to manage API access tokens
- Strategies for building robust error and diagnostic services
- Data-binding instrumentation
- Working with UI Router and UI Bootstrap
- The latest fashion in form validation techniques
- Custom directives, custom directives, and custom directives
- Techniques to wrap and integrate 3rd party code with directives and services.
As always, thanks for watching!
You’ll know you are looking at a generator, or more properly, a generator function, because a generator function contains an asterisk in the declaration.
function*() { }
Once you have a generator function, you can use the yield keyword inside to return multiple values to the caller.
let numbers = function*() { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; };
But, the numbers don’t come back to the caller all at once. Internally, the runtime builds an iterator for you, so a caller can iterate through the results one by one. You can write a low level iterator and call next to move through each value, or use a for of loop.
let sum = 0; for(let n of numbers()) { sum += n; } expect(sum).toBe(6);
Going back to the classroom class we used in the last ES6 post, we can now make a classroom an iterable simply using yield.
class Classroom { constructor(...students) { this.students = students; } *[Symbol.iterator]() { for(let s of this.students) yield s; } } var scienceClass = new Classroom("Tim", "Sue", "Joy"); var students = []; for(let student of scienceClass){ students.push(student); } expect(students).toEqual(["Tim", "Sue", "Joy"])
Notice how the iterator method needs an asterisk before the opening square bracket. The syntax is quirky, but an asterisk is always required when defining a generator function, because generator functions need to behave differently than normal functions right from the start. That’s the topic for the next post in this series.
Ever since the .NET compiler platform became open source, I’ve been poking around the Roslyn source code. It’s not often you get to look at the internals of a product with a large code base, and not surprisingly there are some gems inside. I have a collection of the gems and each gem falls into one of three categories.
1. Ideas to borrow
2. Trivia
3. Bizarre and outstanding
Today’s gem falls into category two – trivia.
Have you ever wondered what makes for a “captive” audience? According to the PerformanceGoals class, this would be an operation using from one to ten seconds of time.
static PerformanceGoals() { // An interaction class defines how much time is expected to reach a time point, the response // time point being the most commonly used. The interaction classes correspond to human perception, // so, for example, all interactions in the Fast class are perceived as fast and roughly feel like // they have the same performance. By defining these interaction classes, we can describe // performance using adjectives that have a precise, consistent meaning. // // Name Target (ms) Upper Bound (ms) UX / Feedback // Instant <=50 100 No noticeable delay // Fast 50-100 200 Minimally noticeable delay // Typical 100-300 500 Slower, but still no feedback necessary // Responsive 300-500 1,000 Slower yet, potentially show Wait cursor // Captive >500 10,000 Long, show Progress Dialog w/Cancel // Extended >500 >10,000 Long enough for the user to switch to something else // Used for throughput scenarios like parser bytes per second. const string Throughput_100 = "Throughput_100"; Goals = new string[(int)FunctionId.Count]; Goals[(int)FunctionId.CSharp_SyntaxTree_FullParse] = Throughput_100; Goals[(int)FunctionId.VisualBasic_SyntaxTree_FullParse] = Throughput_100; }
Unlike the code in this post, the next entry in this series will feature a gem with potentially useful code – an optimized bit counter.