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Evaluating ASP.NET Core Authorization Policies

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Let’s say you have the following authorization policy defined in the Configure method of your ASP.NET Core’s Startup class.

.AddAuthorization(options =>
    options.AddPolicy("IsLucky", builder =>
        var random = new Random();
        builder.RequireAssertion(_ => random.Next(1, 100) < 75);

This policy will grant access about ¾ of the time. It is easy to apply the policy to a controller or Razor page using the Authorize attribute.

[Authorize(Policy = "IsLucky")]
public class SecretsModel : PageModel
      // ...

But, what if you want to imperatively check the policy? For example, when building a navigation menu, you want to know if the user will be able to perform a given action or reach a specific resource before displaying links and command buttons in the UI. In this scenario, ask for an IAuthorizationService type object in any controller or Razor page. The auth service combines a claims principal and a policy name to let you know if the user authorization check succeeds.

For example, in the page model for a Razor page:

public class SecretsModel : PageModel
    public bool IsLucky { get; set; }
    private readonly IAuthorizationService authorization;

    public SecretsModel(IAuthorizationService authorization)
        this.authorization = authorization;

    public async Task OnGet()
        var result = await authorization.AuthorizeAsync(User, "IsLucky");
        IsLucky = result.Succeeded;

And then in the page itself:

    <div>You got lucky!</div>
    <div>No luck for you :(</div>

Of course, having an authorization policy that uses a a random number generator is weird, but I'm hoping to work it into a "random access" policy joke someday.