I completely re-worked my Developing with .NET on Microsoft Azure course earlier this year, and the new videos are now available.
Here are some of the changes from the previous version of the course:
- I show how to use the Azure CLI for Azure automation from the command line. The CLI works across platforms and the commands are easy to discover.
- I show how to setup a local Git repository in an Azure App Service and demonstrate how to deploy ASP.NET Core apps from the repo.
- The Azure Functions module uses the new 2.0 runtime to develop a function locally.
- The Azure Function is a function using blob storage, Cognitive Services, and Azure CosmosDB.
- Numerous other changes to catch up with new features in Azure and VSTS
Here are some other topics you'll see covered in the course:
- Develop and deploy an ASP.NET Core application to Azure App Services
- Manage configuration settings for an App Service
- Monitor and scale an App Service
- Work with input and output bindings in Azure Functions
- Create a git repository with a remote in VSTS or Azure App Services
- Setup a build and release pipeline using VSTS for continuous deployment
- Connect to Azure storage using the Portal, C# code, and Azure Storage Explorer
- Save and retrieve files from blob storage
- Configure alerts
- Monitor performance metrics using Application Insights
- Choose an API for CosmosDB storage
- Create and read documents in CosmosDB
- Create and read records in Azure SQL using Entity Framework Core