True story: My first use of Python was a little over 10 years ago. I used Python to prevent rabbits from running into campfires and injuring themselves.
Of course the rabbits were virtual, as were the campfires. I was working with a team to create MMORPG middleware, and Python scripts were the brains for some of the lesser NPCs.
I’ve been working with Python again recently.
class Cart: def __init__(self): self.contents = dict() def process(self, order): if order.add: if not order.item in self.contents: self.contents[order.item] = 0 self.contents[order.item] += 1 if order.delete: if order.item in self.contents: self.contents[order.item] -= 1 if self.contents[order.item] == 0: del self.contents[order.item] def __repr__(self): return "Cart: {0!r}".format(self.__dict__)
It’s interesting how my opinion of Python has changed. Ten years ago the majority of my programming experience was with C, C++, and Java. My thoughts on Python were:
1. Using indentations to control block structure was weird, considering white space was insignificant everywhere else.
2. Tuples were useful.
3. Double underscores look cool
Todays thoughts:
1. Tuples are still useful, but the REPL perhaps more so.
2. How did I miss lambdas, generators, map, filter, and reduce?
3. Double underscores are ugly, but the absence of { and } and is beautiful.
I like Python, it’s a great language. I have a better appreciation for its features today than I did 10 years ago.