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NDC 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

This year I’ve been to conferences in London, Gothenburg, and Stockholm, and just last week I was in Oslo, Norway for the 5th version of the Norwegian Developers Conference.

The NDC attracts developers from everywhere in Europe and all around the world because the organizers and planners are dedicated to building the best conference possible. They are a lovely group of people who work hard to make every attendee happy and comfortable. There were also 100 or so speakers in town who also worked hard to make every attendee happy and comfortable.

This year’s NDC delivered over 200 hours of quality content. Unfortunately, the 200 hours of quality content are currently overshadowed by 90 seconds of stupidity. When you have 100 speakers and dozens of sponsors at an event, there is always the risk that someone will do something to damage your reputation.

Please don’t judge the entire conference and its participants on a 90 second video clip. The other 99.9% of the conference provided nourishment for developer brains of all types. I’m sure it will be that way in 2013 and beyond, too.