Popcorn.js is a JavaScript library for working with HTML 5 video and audio in a web page. It's part of Mozilla's Popcorn project, and it already has a bonanza of plugins available.
Part of Popcorn's job is to smooth over API differences in the <audio> and <video> programming interface, but the real strength of Popcorn and its plugins is in combining and orchestrating content associated with a video.
Popcorn is a library for storytellers.
For example, while a video is playing on a page, you want to display a welcome message from 0 to 8 seconds, and an interactive map of where the video is filmed from 10 to 20 seconds. With Popcorn this is as easy as:
var pop = Popcorn("#video") .footnote({ "start": 0, "end": 8, "target": "content", "text": "Welcome!" }).googlemap({ "start": 10.0, "end": 20, "target": "content", "type": "TERRAIN", "zoom": 16, "lat": 39.665389, "long": -105.205698, "location": "Red Rocks" }); pop.play();
Other plugins provide support for YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, Flickr photos, Twitter streams, Facebook, and more. Popcorn is easy (and fun)!