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Life and Times of an ASP.NET MVC Controller

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The May issue of MSDN Magazine is now on-line with my article “The Life and Times of an ASP.NET MVC Controller”.

In this article, I will dissect the ASP.NET MVC framework and look at how controllers work. I'll explain how the framework interacts with your controllers and how you can influence those interactions. I'll look at controller factories, controller actions, action filters, and action results as well.

I don’t like programming by coincidence, and I hope this article gives you everything you need to work confidently with MVC controllers. In addition to the technical details, I also believe you have to properly apply a technology to make great software – thus the next installment of Extreme ASP.NET in July will cover some guiding principles to keep in mind when developing applications with the ASP.NET MVC framework.

Looking even further down the road (September seems so far away), I’m not sure what I’ll dig into next. Will it be web forms? More ASP.NET MVC? If there is something you want to hear about that is related to the ASP.NET server-side runtime - drop me a line or leave a comment.