The Team Build service in Team Foundation Server includes the current date in the build number by default. To me, the string looks like the random gibberish of a disk head crash.
I know some people are fond of including the date in a build label, but it's a turn off for me. Build labels have a tendency to show up in many places, and a friendly number is easier on the eyes.
Fortunately, it's easier to change Team Build with a custom MSBuild task. There are some examples of how to do this out there, but none that generate a truly friendly name. Ideally, the task will start with a base name like "FooBar_2.5" and just generate an extra identity digit. One of the properties in play during a team build is LastBuildNumber, which we can inspect during the task and use to generate the build number we want. The code would look something like this:
using System;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
namespace TfsBuildUtilities
public class GetBuildNumber : Task
public override bool Execute()
bool result = true;
string buildNumber = GetLastBuildNumber();
_buildNumber = BaseBuildName + "." + buildNumber;
catch (Exception e)
result = false;
BuildErrorEventArgs eventArgs;
eventArgs = new BuildErrorEventArgs
0, 0,
"GetBuildNumber failed: " + e.Message,
"", ""
return result;
private string GetLastBuildNumber()
string buildNumber = null;
// if there is no last build, or it looks as if the
// last build was not using our name,
// we will reset to ".1";
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LastBuildNumber) ||
buildNumber = "1";
// otherwise we need to parse out the last number and increment it
string[] parts = LastBuildNumber.Split('.');
int number = 1;
bool parseResult = Int32.TryParse(
parts[parts.Length - 1],
out number
if (parseResult)
buildNumber = number.ToString();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(buildNumber))
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Could not generate a valid build number"
return buildNumber;
private void ValidateProperties()
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(BaseBuildName))
throw new ArgumentException("BaseBuildName is null");
public string BuildNumber
get { return _buildNumber; }
set { _buildNumber = value; }
private string _buildNumber = String.Empty;
public string BaseBuildName
get { return _baseBuildName; }
set { _baseBuildName = value; }
private string _baseBuildName;
public string LastBuildNumber
get { return _lastBuildNumber; }
set { _lastBuildNumber = value; }
private string _lastBuildNumber;
Then, register the task in TFSBuild.proj file. I like to deploy the assembly into the MSBuild extensions path to use from multiple projects.
Finally, in the same .proj file, override the build number target to spit a new build label into the system.
<Target Name = "BuildNumberOverrideTarget" >
<GetBuildNumber BaseBuildName="FooBar_2.5"
<Output TaskParameter="BuildNumber"
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