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Today’s Reading List

Thursday, February 23, 2006

I had two grueling flights to get to Redmond today. I feel like I left home about 1 week ago, although the trip only took 9 hours.

Along the way, I plowed through:

The March issue of MSDN Magazine. Jeffrey Richter’s Optex article was a good read, and “Legal Doesn’t Think the Way You Do” was excellent. I think a regular column giving the perspectives of the non-developer roles we interact with would be enlightening.

One Night @ The Call Center. I don’t think this book is for sale in the U.S.A, and probably never will be. I got the book as a gift. The story centers on a group of friends who work at a technical call center in India. The Americans who call are all idiots and can’t operate basic kitchen appliances. The writing is funny and insightful, and I could connect with the characters. Worth a read, if you can find a copy.

The March issue of National Geographic. There was a fascinating story on using DNA to trace the journey of humanity of out Africa. Another story covered the environmental impacts of coal mining – which I’ve seen up close. It’s not pretty.

Eventually I do what I always do on an airplane. Close my eyes, listen to music, and pretend I’m not on an airplane. Never works.