This week is Microsoft's MVP Summit in Seattle. I’m looking forward to seeing the city of Seattle, home of the National UFO Reporting Center. I hear Microsoft has a branch office or something nearby, too. I'm also looking forward to meeting many people I only know electronically, and cornering members of the MSBuild team. I want information, and not about aliens.
In the middle of October, I’ll be speaking at VSLive! 2005, in Orlando, Florida. The topic will be debugging with Visual Studio 2005, and I’m in the midst of preparing a pretty cool demo, complete with bugs. It’s not often that you want to start off a presentation with an exception.
The .NET Rocks! Road Show is making a couple stops in my neighborhood (Baltimore on October 18th, and D.C. on October 19th).
At the end of October is the Mid-Atlantic Security Code Camp. If you are anywhere near Reston, Virginia during the last weekend in October, you should stop in. The line-up of talks should be available soon.
This concludes post #300. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.