In a posting to microsoft.public.sqlserver.reportingsvcs, Brian Welcker released some details on the upcoming SP1 for Reporting Services. The SP is currently on track for release in the second half of June. In addition to bug fixes, and performance / scalability improvements, major changes include:
- Excel rendering extension has been improved and now supports viewing in earlier releases of Excel.
- PDF rendering extension is more robust and has better matrix rendering performance.
- Chart control provides more control over display styles.
- References to external URLs (images and resources) from within a report are now supported.
- Data caching behavior for report preview.
- NewLine in expressions is now supported.
- The style of the HTML Viewer toolbar can now be modified through a style sheet.
- New URL parameters offer more options for customizing report presentation at run time.
- Report Manager proxy persists authentication cookies so that they can be used by custom security extensions.
- Hidden parameters are now supported.
- Temporary snapshots can be compressed as well as stored on the file system.
- Integrated security support for accessing report data sources can be disabled.
- Report hyperlinks can now contain any protocol identifier.