Magno is a something I put together because … well, just because. The idea is to provide a magnifying lens effect using a background image and background position animation. The lens tracks the position of the mouse, with a slight delay (debouncing, to be exact).
You can try it here: (thanks to @austegard for putting up the jsbin).
The "magnifier" is an absolutely positioned div with borders curved to perfection.
function makeMagnifier() { var src = settings.src || img.attr("src"); magnifier = makeEmptyDiv(); magnifier.css({ position: "absolute", opacity: 0, width: settings.size, height: settings.size, left: img.offset().left, top: img.offset().right, "-moz-border-radius": settings.size * .5 + "px", "border-radius": settings.size * .5 + "px", "background-image": "url(" + src + ")", "background-repeat": "no-repeat", "z-index": 998 }); }
When the mouse pauses, the magnifier animates to the new location.
function onPosition(e) { var offset = img.offset(); var backLeft = Math.round((e.pageX - offset.left) * (-1 / settings.scale)); var backTop = Math.round((e.pageY - * (-1 / settings.scale)); backLeft += Math.round(settings.size / 2); backTop += Math.round(settings.size / 2); magnifier.animate({ left: e.pageX - (settings.size/2), top: e.pageY - (settings.size/2), "backgroundPosition": backLeft + "px " + backTop + "px" }); }
Animating the background position of an element is not something jQuery can do without help. I used a plugin from Alexander Farkas.