In a previous post I mentioned that a scripts
directory can be a welcome addition to any source code repository. What goes into scripts
? Anything you can automate to make a developer’s life easier!
Here’s a script I’ve used to simplify adding an EF migration. All I need to do from the command line is addmigration [migration_name]
pushd src\ dotnet ef migrations add %1 dotnet ef database update popd
I also have a recreatedb
script I can use to start fresh after pulling changes.
pushd src\beaverleague.web dotnet run dropdb migratedb seeddb stop popd
More on how the parameters above work in a future post.
The EF repo itself uses a tools folder instead of a scripts folder, but the idea is the same. Inside you’ll find scripts to clean up test environments by dropping and shrinking databases, like this one that uses a combination of sqlcmd
and sqllocaldb
command line tools, as well as a script to query for all the non-system databases in a DB instance.
@echo off sqlcmd -S "(localdb)\mssqllocaldb" -i "DropAllDatabases.sql" -o "DropAll.sql" sqlcmd -S "(localdb)\mssqllocaldb" -i "DropAll.sql" del "DropAll.sql" sqllocaldb stop mssqllocaldb sqllocaldb delete mssqllocaldb ShrinkLocalDBModel.cmd
For more examples and ideas, checkout the TypeScript repo with scripts for everything from running tests to automating GitHub issues with OctoKit. There’s the vscode repo with scripts to setup an environment. The repo to build the official .NET Docker images includes Powershell scripts to execute docker pull
with retries.
These are all examples where 5 or 6 lines of script code can not only save time for the entire team in the long run, but also codify a common operation.
I specifically want to call out special capabilities of the dotnet
CLI tool. We’ve always had the ability to build, publish, and package from the command line, but the new global tools feature gives us an npm-ishly easy path to installing new tools and use them from anywhere.
Here are some of the tools I use.
Nate McMaster maintains a more complete list of global tools.
Take advantage of the command line renaissance in .NET Core to speed up a repeatable development process.