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Imagine we have the following movie data returned by an API call from the server.
var movies = [ { title: "Godzilla", genre:"Action", released: 2014}, { title: "Neighbors", genre: "Comedy", released: 2014}, { title: "Into The Woods", genre: "Musical", released: 2014}, . . . ];
Now, we need to display the data and allow the user to filter on genre, release year, or both. First, we’ll use lodash to build a unique list of available options for these attributes, and then store the options in scope.
app.controller("mainController", function($scope, movieData) { $scope.movies = movieData.getAll(); $scope.genres = _.chain($scope.movies).pluck("genre").uniq().sortBy().value(); $scope.years = _.chain($scope.movies).pluck("released").uniq().sortBy().value(); $scope.clearFilters = function(){ $scope.selectedGenre = undefined; $scope.selectedYear = undefined; }; });
In the view we can build the filtering selects and a table using ngOptions and ngRepeat.
<div ng-controller="mainController"> <select ng-model="selectedGenre" ng-options="genre for genre in genres"></select> <select ng-model="selectedYear" ng-options="year for year in years"></select> <button ng-click="clearFilters()">Clear</button> <table class="table"> <thead>. . . </thead> <tbody> <tr ng-repeat="movie in movies | filter:{ genre: selectedGenre, released:selectedYear }"> <td>{{movie.title}}</td> <td>{{movie.genre}}</td> <td>{{movie.released}}</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div>
Notice how the filter filter in Angular understands how to take an object expression and apply predicates to the specified attributes.